Taking a Break....

Thank your stopping by, have a wonderful day!

Baby makes 1, 2, 3!!

We are SO EXCITED to finally announce to the world…..we’re expecting baby #3!

We were waiting till we were past the first trimester before we announced to all. This is our last, I thought I would go for a fourth, but the first few months are always really rough for me and I just can’t imagine doing it with two babies.

We’re NOT FINDING OUT this time. Before we were expecting Carter, we knew that with #3 we wouldn’t. I’m already driving my family crazy! Everyone keeps saying “What if it’s a girl”? Well, it’s going to be a mad dash for girl clothes! Either way, we’ll be just as happy….every child is a blessing.

Oh! I almost forgot, we’re due July 4, 2012

Big THANK YOU to my sister @ Leslie Anne Photofinish for our little mini announcement session!